Poem written with Ealdham Primary School, London.
More Ideas: How to Teach Poetry Writing: Workshops for Ages 5-9
How to Teach Poetry Writing: Workshops for Ages 8-13: Developing Creative Literacy

Write a Rap

Hey everybody shout and clap

Make your fingers snap! snap! snap!

We’ll tell you how we made our rap.

Listen to a range of raps

With sound effects like thunder claps.

First of all you think a lot

Put your ideas in the pot.

Next you jot your ideas down

You can use a verb, you can use a noun.

Hey everybody shout and clap

Make your fingers snap! snap! snap!

Join our Ealdham rap.

Then you read it  - out aloud

By yourself -  or in a crowd

Edit it, change a bit

Draft, redraft, revise

Try it out

Cry it out!

Try it on for size.

Hey everybody shout and clap

Make your fingers snap! snap! snap!

 Join our Ealdham rap.

Show it off!

Share it out

Show them what it’s all about.

Hey everybody shout and clap

Make your fingers snap! snap! snap!

 Join our Ealdham rap.

A rap has a rhythm, a rap has a rhyme.

You have to keep to a beat, you have to keep in time.

When you think it’s done, grab a pen.

Check it over once again.

Now you’ve written your own rap

Give yourselves a


